Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Creme Brûléed Chocolate Bundt Cake

This recipe sounded amazing: chocolate chiffon cake, liqueur soaked raspberries and a creme brûlée topping.  And it did turn out quite amazing.   The cake turned out moist and chocolaty despite it sinking a bit while cooling. The raspberries were soaked with a thick blackberry vodka (but they probably could have used the liqueur).  And the creme brûlée sauce was just fantastic made with rich egg yolks and cream and vanilla beans for that true, strong vanilla flavor.  I am currently trying to figure out how else I can use that sauce; what other recipes need that extra love?

I borrowed a blow torch (and a bundt pan and the liqueur- thanks Sorrel!) for this one but was bit low on butane so it was only partially properly creme bruleed.  It did not seem to add too much to the overall flavor and was not missed on those parts that escaped the blow torch.

I would make this one again, if I only liked cake.

Please check out my fellow bloggers creations this week. 

And here's Rhiannon…

Monday, February 2, 2015

Salsa Quitza

Oh, sometimes things do not turn out they way I expect they will.

So excited about this one.  It sounded so promising.  I even watched the video.

Easy pizza with a twist.  Great for Super Bowl Sunday.

But then came the translation from bread machine to normal bread making.  My translation was incorrect.  My read was wrong.

(Kind of like throwing an interception on the goal line.)

Oh well.  And there are no pictures to confirm this confusion.  You'll just have to take my word for it.

Some questions I have lingering for my fellow bloggers (in case I ever attempt it again):  Should we let this one rise twice like normal bread or just once like the recipe states?  Is it supposed to be quite doughy/ bread-y rather than chewy/ crusty?

And Rhiannon...