I'll start with the recipe that was due this week for Tuesdays with Dorie. And let's just say I do not have a biscuit hand as Julia speaks about in the opening paragraph of this recipe. The height of the above biscuit is the primary proof of my non-biscuit hands. (I do not fault the recipe at all.) That's not to say I don't make biscuits. I make them frequently, but I cheat and make drop biscuits which requires a bit more liquid and no handling of the dough. The biscuits come out lumpy and crazy looking, but rarely do I have a leaden, tough biscuit like the above. I think I will stick to my drop biscuits.
Back in June there was a recipe for Savory Wheat Crackers that I missed and then completed for a rewind week but then missed blogging about it, so I will sneak it in here. (I have 2 recipes (fougasse and poppy seed torte) already lined up for September's rewind week.) At first I was not motivated to complete this recipe. All the rolling and maneuvering of a thin dough intimidated me, plus it called for a food processor, a kitchen tool that I lack. But then I read everyone's posts about it, and my fears quickly dissipated. It turned out to be simple and easy indeed even without a food processor. I made a 1/4 of the recipe and made one batch sweet with cinnamon and sugar and the other savory with sesame seeds, salt and anise seeds. The kiddos devoured the sweet versions and we enjoyed the savory. All in all, a success.
And Rhiannon as of late…